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Jurisdictional Executive Board


Bishop Ernest C Morris, Sr.
Jurisdictional Founder & Prelate

Mother Emily Myrick Photo 1_Blue

Mother Emily Myrick

Supervisor, Women's Dept

Bishop J. Louis Felton ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (Superintendents’ Chairman) Phileo District Expeditor "Mt. Airy Church COGIC" Senior Pastor

Overseer Wendell Robbins ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (Protocol & Policy) New Garden District Executive Juris. Secretary "Tabernacle of God" Pastor

Dr. Warren Wilcox, II ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (Ordination-Education-Policy) Executive Assistant Jurisdictional Secretary Ordination Board Chairman "Better Life Chapel" Pastor

Supt. Hezekiah Lampley ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (Pastors & Elders’ Chairman) Theo Ho Pater District Co-Expeditor "Morning Star COGIC" Pastor

Pastor Robert Harrison

Supt. Robert Harrison ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (Convention Coordinator) Church Growth and Development "New Journey C.C." Pastor

Supt. Anthony Lindsay Shalom District "Malachi COGIC" Pastor

Pastor Lawrence Matthews

Supt. Lawrence Matthews, Jr. Shalom District "The Light Church" Pastor

Pastor Errol Nugent

Supt. Errol Nugent Agape District "True Light Worship COGIC"

Pastor Barmore

Supt. Jerome Barmore Unity District "Christian Tabernacle Church of Philadelphia" Pastor


Supt. Willis Allen Administrative Assistant Dominion District "Victory Thru Faith" Pastor

Bishop William Chancy, "New Mount Zion Pentecostal COGIC" Pastor Emeritus

Bishop Reuben T. Jones. Jr. "Christian Tabernacle Church of Philadelphia" Pastor Emeritus

The Mission of the Koinonia of Pennsylvania Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction


~To Equip, Edify, and Enhance the Local Church Kingdom Building: such that every Church can expect to see growth in spirit, in numbers, and ministries.

~ To Assist Pastors and congregations to achieve the great objective of the Church Of God In Christ: to Glorify God, Evangelize the world, and to Edify the believer.

~ To Aid, Assist, and Augment Pastors to develop their leadership skills, and assist them to grow spiritually, numerically, and financially, as an individual and as a corporate body.

~ To Provide a role model of excellence in all we do because the God we serve is excellent.

~ To Provide a support system for local Pastors and congregations through positive interaction and fellowship where Pastors can feel safe, secure, and respected, and where bonds of mutual trust exist.

~ To Support the National Church Of God In Christ and its leaders in all of its endeavors.

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